Additional attributes can be added and joined to existing attributes on a data set on the transport layer. This can also be used for joining station IDs, zones, and names to an external model.
This feature allows you to use a geofile, using existing attributes to bulk-update the attributes of stations on that layer. This allows for you to bulk-rename stops, or assign them to zones where you have a list outside of Podaris that you are trying to join.
Here is how it is done:
1. On the Podaris platform, within the layers tab, hover over to the new link button within the transport layer.
2. You then have the choice of uploading a file in the following formats: .geojson .json .kml .gpx .zip .csv. The file should have new id names and zone names etc. to correspond to the current exisiting Podaris names and zones.
3. You then have to link the attributes and select which attribute in the uploading window corresponds to either the stopId or Podaris ID of the existing stations on the transport layer.
4. Then in the next window, select which attributes should be used to update which properties of the stations you want.
5. The attributes should then link to the current attributes and update.
Follow the below video to see more details on the steps and the comparison of a stop with newly joined attributes and one that hasn't got a new zone or new stop id.