Using expressions in Podaris

Certain fields in Podaris accept mathematical expressions and reference variables derived from attributes such as those associated with datasets.


Where Podaris accepts mathematical expressions, you may make use of a variety of operators and variables. The following is an inexhaustive list of operators accepted throughout Podaris.

Operator Name Syntax Example Result
(, ) Grouping (x) 2 * (3 + 4) 14
, Parameter separator x, y max(2, 1, 5) 5
. Property accessor obj.prop obj={a: 12}; obj.a 12
; Statement separator x; y a=2; b=3; a*b [6]
+ Add x + y 4 + 5 9
+ Unary plus +y +4 4
- Subtract x - y 7 - 3 4
- Unary minus -y -4 -4
* Multiply x * y 2 * 3 6
/ Divide x / y 6 / 2 3
%, mod Modulus x % y 8 % 3 2
^ Power x ^ y 2 ^ 3 8
and Logical and x and y true and false false
not Logical not not y not true false
or Logical or x or y true or false true
xor Logical xor x xor y true xor true false
= Assignment x = y a = 5 5
? : Conditional expression x ? y : z 15 > 100 ? 1 : -1 -1
== Equal x == y 2 == 4 - 2 true
!= Unequal x != y 2 != 3 true
< Smaller x < y 2 < 3 true
> Larger x > y 2 > 3 false
<= Smallereq x <= y 4 <= 3 false
>= Largereq x >= y 2 + 4 >= 6 true