Step 1. Defining a Calendar

Creating a service schedule begins with defining a calendar...

In this tutorial, we will create a road-based service schedule for a bus network. To view a video overview of service scheduling in Podaris, you can follow this link to the scheduled services overview page. A bus LayerType can be created from the layers panel.

services tool

  1. Click the calendar button in the service panel.
  2. Click the plus button to add a new calendar.
  3. After the create calendar modal has appeared, click the ‘Create’ button. You should now have a calendar named ‘Weekdays’ which runs Mon-Fri.
  4. Click the button again to add another calendar and this time change the name to ‘Weekends’ and select only Saturday and Sunday from the list of days, then click ‘Create’.
  5. You should have two calendars: ‘Weekdays’ and ‘Weekends’. You can now close the modal.

Continue to 'Step 2. Adding Vehicles'...