Services Panel

The Services Panel allows you to plan schedule based multi-modal transit services and explore the impact of service levels, fleet sizes, and route patterns.

services panel

Define days on which a service is active. This also informs the project clock, allowing you to visualise the network at particular dates and times. Configure different vehicle types - this impacts trip performance and helps to define the route's overall capacity. Create default attributes that inform route calculations and help you filter and group your routes and services for display or analysis.

Route names and colours

Your route names and colours are configurable via the route settings. If a short name has been specified in these settings, the services panel will display that name for the route - otherwise, the full name will be used.

Importing transport networks

Existing transport networks can be imported from a range of industry formats including GTFS, TransXchange (TCX) and NetEX. To import a new network, select the "import" button from the services panel:

import network

Imported files must be provided in the .ZIP format and have a maximum size limit. You may wish to consider removing unneeded trips or unused routes from your feed to reduce its size if you meet this limit.

Podaris converts all imported files to a GTFS feed, meaning that you may use Podaris to import a TCX file before exporting it to GTFS, for example.

Exporting routes

Route geometry can be exported as GIS files in formats including, GeoJSON, Shapefile and KML. To export the route geometry, select the routes you wish to export and click the export button from the panel options:

export route

Merging routes

Once you have selected two or more routes to merge, the merge route button will merge their associated patterns and trips into an existing route of your chosing.

merge routes

Exporting route attributes

Route attributes, with their accompanying Podaris route ID, route ID and short name can be exported with the drop down 'Export' button once you have checked one or more routes for export. The exported route data will be downloaded in the .CSV format.

Export route atttributes

Exporting transport networks

Your entire transport networks can be exported in industry-standard formats such as a GTFS feed. This includes schedules, stops and geometry for the currently visible routes. To export your current project as a GTFS feed, select the "Export Project" option from the project menu.

Filtering routes

Routes can be filtered according to Type, Mode or Agency or Visibility. In order to change the visibility of a route on a map, click the corresponding toggle button.

Filtering routes

The search items textbox allows you to search and filter by the route's name, shortname or description

search route

Selecting & Deselecting Services

Services can be selected and deselected using the tickboxes next to the service shortname. At the bottom of the list of your services, the number of selected services and the total number of services are visible.

The 'Select all' tickbox will select or deselect all services. Clicking between two services in the list while holding SHIFT will also select all other services in between.

Selecting routes

Zoom to a service

Zoom to services

Both the magnifying glass icon next to the service shortname in the Services Panel, and the Zoom button on the service's Trips tab allow you to zoom to that service on your map.

Trips by Date

Trips by Date button

The Trips by Date button creates an at-a-glance graph of trips for all services, grouped either by week, or day. This can be particularly useful when debugging transit feeds and understanding when to analyse or edit.

The exact number of trips for a week or day can be viewed by hovering over the desired bar.

This data can be then exported as a .CSV file for either of the two groupings.

Trips by Date